Despite constant delays, broken down cars, missed trains and mysterious illnesses, you made the whole process a joy.
Thanks for the much needed advice, lyrical chats, shop talk, emails and for believing we're half decent.
Thanks for being the first person to play the record on repeat and for going into bat for us.
Thanks for supporting the arts through COVID-19. This latest piece of work could not have gone ahead without the grant we recieved.
Thanks for convincing us we were interesting.
Thanks for telling our story back home and for never giving us the sell
(we didn't deserve it).
Thanks for the Zoom calls, for letting us invade your patch of paradise, and for convincing me to sing.
Thanks for the stressfull fun, for driving out to the sticks, and for not slipping completely off the road.
We'd make one hell of a pit crew.
Thanks for letting us take photos in your beautiful home even though you don't like people leaving the fridge door open.
Thanks for listening to the songs a thousand times and still finding a way to improve them once they were finished.
Thanks for coming to the gigs, putting up with the noise and being swell.